4000 m peaks in Europe
Climbing above 4000 m is certanly something speacial for every visitor of the Alps. With proper preparation, qualitiy acclimatization and well-thought-out plan for the ascent, steps on the mountain feel light and full of sincere enjoyment.
In Europe, there are 82 officially recognized 4000 m peaks. They are located in France, Italy and Switzerland. Probably the most famous of all and also the highest is Mount Blanc, which reaches a height of 4809 m. At the foot of Mt. Blanc, we can climb a mighty granite spire that sticks several hundred meters out of the glacier. It is called Dent Du Geant or Giant's Tooth (4013 m). An hour's drive away is the highest peak in Italy - Gran Paradiso (4061 m). It is also one of the more easily accessible and is mostly used as acclimatization.
In Switzerland, they are very proud of their iconic mountain, which can also be found in the store in the form of chocolate - Matterhon (4478 m). A stone's throw away is the highest mountain that stands in Switzerland as a whole - Dom (4545 m) and is connected on both sides by ridges and peaks interesting for climbing. In the south there is the Taschorn (4491 m), and in the north the ridge stretches over to Lenspitze (4294 m) and further on to the Nedelhorn (4327 m). All the mentioned peaks are also very pleasant as independent goals.
Švica je tudi dom zobati železnici nad butično vasjo Grindelwald, ki so jo začeli graditi v času vojn in nas pripelje na sedlo med vrhovoma Jungrau (4158 m) in Monch (4107 m). Srednja postaja železnice predstavlja tudi izhodišče za dobro poznani Eiger (3967 m), kateremu sicer do višine štiritisoč manjka nekaj metrov, vendar se upravičeno nahaja v družbi štiritisočakov na tej strani. Zelo blizu se nahajata tudi manj poznana Schreckhorn (4078 m) in Lauteraarhorn (4042 m), ki ju povezuje mogočen ter eden izmed bolj zahtevnih grebenov na višini v Alpah.
Switzerland is also home to the cog railway above the boutique village of Grindelwald, which was started to be built during the wars and takes us to the saddle between the Jungrau (4158m) and Monch (4107m). The middle station of the railway is also the starting point for the well-known Eiger (3,967 m), which is a few meters short of the 4000 m, but is rightfully mentioned here with the rest of 4000 m peaks. The lesser-known Schreckhorn (4078 m) and Lauteraarhorn (4042 m) are also very close, connected by a mighty and one of the more challenging high ridges in the Alps.
Če želimo npr. čimbolj udobno stati na čim več štiritisočakih v enem dnevu, pa je najbolje, da se odpravimo na plato Monte Rose iz Italije, kjer lahko v okolici ene koče dosežemo tudi 8 štritisočakov. Nekateri izmed njih so: Vzhodni(4527 m) in zahodni Lyskamm (4479 m), Punta Giordani (4046 m), Vincent Pyramid (4215 m), Schwarzhorn (4321 m) in pa Zumsteinspitze (4563 m) na kateri se nahaj najvišje ležeča koča v Alpah - Margherita.
If we want, for example, to stand as comfortably as possible on as many four-thousanders as possible in one day, our best bet would be to go to the Monte Rose plateau in Italy, where you can reach 8 four-thousanders in the vicinity of one hut. Some of them are: East Lyskamm (4527 m) and West Lyskamm (4479 m), Punta Giordani (4046 m), Vincent Pyramid (4215 m), Schwarzhorn (4321 m) and Zumsteinspitze (4563 m), on which is the highest hut in the Alps - Margherita.
There are many more 4000 m peaks and even more different options to climb them than it is reasonable to cover on this page. If you have a mountain in mind, I am happy to take the time and together we will find a suitable plan to make your ideas become reality.